Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday

I did something today that I haven't done since I was in college -- I attended a political rally. Mitt Romney came to town and wowed the crowd. I loved the experience, and got a lot of great photos. Here's one of my best.

It left me feeling energized for what we, as individual voters, can do. Who will win the presidential nominations is not up to the media, the political pundits, or the pollsters -- it is up to us.

No matter who you want to vote for, I encourage you to go and vote. Please take the time to make sure your voice is counted. Super Tuesday is tomorrow, and nearly half the nation will have the chance to speak out.

If you don't know where to vote and you live in Georgia, you can find out at the Georgia Secretary of State website. If you don't know what your local issues are, you can probably find them at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution website.

As for me, I'm for Romney. He's got the AJC's endorsement, and tomorrow he will have my vote. After he lost Florida, I was wondering if my vote would do any good. But the latest Georgia polls show he has made up all of the ground between him and McCain (InsiderAdvantage). So every vote tomorrow is going to count!

1 comment:

Life in the Oliver Lane! said...

Hey, Rachel you've been taged! check my blog and you will understand! I'll see you at the 5K, hopefully I won't die, I've been sick all week.